Resapplet (resolution switching applet ). È una mini-applicazione che serve a modificare la risoluzione dello schermo del computer con un semplice clic del mouse.
Resapplet is a simple utility that sits in the system notification area
and allows user switching of their resolution and refresh rate. It
uses the xrandr extensions to switch the resolution on-the-fly and
userE resolution preferences to save the resolution.
It works in both GNOME and KDE, as it uses the system notification
and allows user switching of their resolution and refresh rate. It
uses the xrandr extensions to switch the resolution on-the-fly and
userE resolution preferences to save the resolution.
It works in both GNOME and KDE, as it uses the system notification
Quindi...... Da terminale:
sudo aptitude install resapplet
Poi in menù/ Accessori /Selettore risoluzione. Oppure ALT+F2, e scriviamo resapplet. Scegliamo la risoluzione dello schermo..facile..facile
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